About Us

The Orthospinology Difference

We are the only Chiropractic office that specializes in orthospinology in Charleston and the surrounding areas. Our unique methods allow us to get results that other doctors and chiropractors may not have been able to show you in the past.

Orthospinology is a gentle form of chiropractic care that aligns the upper cervical spine to enhance health, reduce pain and ease chronic health problems.
Orthospinology has a proven track record with complex ailments where surgery and medication have failed.

Your Health Is Our Top Priority

Our number one priority is to increase your quality of life. We seek to restore the balance to your spine, allowing your body to heal. Our methods are suitable for everyone, from infants and children to those in their 90’s. Whether you want to get out of pain or regain the full function of your body, we can help. When you enjoy health, you can live your life better and to the fullest extent!

What Others Are Saying

“I came into my first appointment very skeptical. I’ve tried every type of treatment for my jaw. I mean EVERY. My first appointment Dr. Aldrich tapped my neck only 4 times and told me to try and open my jaw. I said, ‘If this opens I’m going to cry.’ And it did! And I did! 4 weeks later my migraines have stopped and my jaw is 80% better. I am shocked by the results I’ve seen. I am a believer! Thank you!!!” – Ashley, Patient

“I came to the clinic with upper back, neck, & shoulder pain. I had gone to a practitioner first and was only prescribed ‘medications’, but not any real or long term solutions. Dr. A provided me with the best treatment & long-term solutions. I know that I am in great hands here!” – Lakeesha, Patient

Our Doctors

Dr. Bryan Aldrich

Many patients come to see us and say, ‘You are my last resort, I’ve been everywhere else.’ To their amazement, they get well with us. Imagine what your life would be like if you try us first!